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An Interview with Student Activities Manager Angela Leavitt

An Interview with Student Activities Manager Angela Leavitt

With the recent launch of FIDM’s latest student organization, Future Leaders in Beauty (FLB) founded by Bachelor's student Arli Bianco, we caught up with Angela Leavitt, Manager of Student Activities, to learn more about how student groups are formed and her role in the process.

Tell us about your role in FLB: As Student Activities Manager my role is to support and guide the initiatives of FLB. This includes helping them through the application process, ensuring they are aware of the event calendar, enlisting guest speakers and helping facilitate meetings and events.
How does a student go about organizing an official FIDM student group like FLB? The Student Activities Office often gets contacted with ideas for new clubs. We first work with students to make sure there is not an existing club that meets their same objective. Once this is verified, we ask students to develop a proposed charter. The next step is to complete an application which includes developing a mission statement, outlining the club’s purpose and goals, and identifying club officer roles and responsibilities.
How is it going for FLB? Future Leaders in Beauty has already had several meetings and there has been a groundswell of support from students across majors, with each meeting averaging 30 students. When the mission and purpose was developed by Arli Bianco, the founder and current President of Future Leaders of Beauty, she worked with students, staff, and faculty to ensure their purpose and objectives were aligned with the interests of the students enrolled in the beauty program. Additionally, the Executive Board of FLB regularly conducts surveys to ensure they capture the interest of students and guest speakers, events, and other activities are well received. This club fosters an inclusive environment, all FIDM students interested in beauty are welcome to join.

Follow FIDM Student Activities on Instagram @fidmstudentactivities.

Categories:  Beauty Business Management Beauty Marketing & Product Development Student